* nsis.php
* --------
* Author: deguix (, Tux (
* Copyright: (c) 2005 deguix, 2004 Tux (, Nigel McNie (
* Release Version:
* Date Started: 2005/12/03
* Nullsoft Scriptable Install System language file for GeSHi.
* -------
* 2005/12/03 (2.0.2)
* - Updated to NSIS 2.11.
* 2005/06/17 (2.0.1)
* - Updated to NSIS 2.07b0.
* 2005/04/05 (2.0.0)
* - Updated to NSIS 2.06.
* 2004/11/27 (1.0.2)
* - Added support for multiple object splitters
* 2004/10/27 (1.0.1)
* - Added support for URLs
* 2004/08/05 (1.0.0)
* - First Release
* TODO (updated 2004/11/27)
* -------------------------
* This file is part of GeSHi.
* GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
$language_data = array (
'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => ';', 2 => '#'),
'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'",'"','`'),
'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
'KEYWORDS' => array(
1 => array(
'!appendfile', '!addIncludeDir', '!addplugindir', '!cd', '!define', '!delfile', '!echo', '!else',
'!endif', '!error', '!execute', '!ifdef', '!ifmacrodef', '!ifmacrondef', '!ifndef', '!include',
'!insertmacro', '!macro', '!macroend', '!packhdr', '!tempfile', '!system', '!undef', '!verbose',
2 => array(
'AddBrandingImage', 'AllowRootDirInstall', 'AutoCloseWindow', 'BGFont',
'BGGradient', 'BrandingText', 'Caption', 'ChangeUI', 'CheckBitmap', 'CompletedText', 'ComponentText',
'CRCCheck', 'DetailsButtonText', 'DirShow', 'DirText', 'DirVar', 'DirVerify', 'FileErrorText',
'Function', 'FunctionEnd', 'Icon', 'InstallButtonText', 'InstallColors', 'InstallDir',
'InstallDirRegKey', 'InstProgressFlags', 'InstType', 'LangString', 'LangStringUP', 'LicenseBkColor',
'LicenseData', 'LicenseForceSelection', 'LicenseLangString', 'LicenseText', 'LoadLanguageFile',
'MiscButtonText', 'Name', 'OutFile', 'Page', 'PageEx', 'PageExEnd', 'Section',
'SectionEnd', 'SectionGroup', 'SectionGroupEnd', 'SetCompressor', 'SetFont', 'ShowInstDetails',
'ShowUninstDetails', 'SilentInstall', 'SilentUnInstall', 'SpaceTexts', 'SubCaption', 'SubSection',
'SubSectionEnd', 'UninstallButtonText', 'UninstallCaption', 'UninstallIcon', 'UninstallSubCaption',
'UninstallText', 'UninstPage', 'Var', 'VIAddVersionKey', 'VIProductVersion', 'WindowIcon', 'XPStyle'
3 => array(
'AddSize', 'AllowSkipFiles', 'FileBufSize', 'GetInstDirError', 'PageCallbacks',
'SectionIn', 'SetCompress', 'SetCompressionLevel', 'SetCompressorDictSize',
'SetDatablockOptimize', 'SetDateSave', 'SetOverwrite', 'SetPluginUnload'
4 => array(
'Abort', 'BringToFront', 'Call', 'CallInstDLL', 'ClearErrors', 'CopyFiles','CreateDirectory',
'CreateFont', 'CreateShortCut', 'Delete', 'DeleteINISec', 'DeleteINIStr', 'DeleteRegKey',
'DeleteRegValue', 'DetailPrint', 'EnableWindow', 'EnumRegKey', 'EnumRegValue', 'Exch', 'Exec',
'ExecShell', 'ExecWait', 'ExpandEnvStrings', 'File', 'FileClose', 'FileOpen', 'FileRead',
'FileReadByte', 'FileSeek', 'FileWrite', 'FileWriteByte', 'FindClose', 'FindFirst', 'FindNext',
'FindWindow', 'FlushINI', 'GetCurInstType', 'GetCurrentAddress', 'GetDlgItem', 'GetDLLVersion',
'GetDLLVersionLocal', 'GetErrorLevel', 'GetFileTime', 'GetFileTimeLocal', 'GetFullPathName',
'GetFunctionAddress', 'GetLabelAddress', 'GetTempFileName', 'GetWindowText', 'Goto', 'HideWindow',
'IfAbort', 'IfErrors', 'IfFileExists', 'IfRebootFlag', 'IfSilent', 'InitPluginsDir', 'InstTypeGetText',
'InstTypeSetText', 'IntCmp', 'IntCmpU', 'IntFmt', 'IntOp', 'IsWindow', 'LockWindow', 'LogSet', 'LogText',
'MessageBox', 'Nop', 'Pop', 'Push', 'Quit', 'ReadEnvStr', 'ReadIniStr', 'ReadRegDWORD', 'ReadRegStr',
'Reboot', 'RegDLL', 'Rename', 'ReserveFile', 'Return', 'RMDir', 'SearchPath', 'SectionGetFlags',
'SectionGetInstTypes', 'SectionGetSize', 'SectionGetText', 'SectionSetFlags', 'SectionSetInstTypes',
'SectionSetSize', 'SectionSetText', 'SendMessage', 'SetAutoClose', 'SetBrandingImage', 'SetCtlColors',
'SetCurInstType', 'SetDetailsPrint', 'SetDetailsView', 'SetErrorLevel', 'SetErrors', 'SetFileAttributes',
'SetOutPath', 'SetRebootFlag', 'SetShellVarContext', 'SetSilent', 'ShowWindow', 'Sleep', 'StrCmp',
'StrCpy', 'StrLen', 'UnRegDLL', 'WriteINIStr', 'WriteRegBin', 'WriteRegDWORD', 'WriteRegExpandStr',
'WriteRegStr', 'WriteUninstaller'
5 => array(
'all', 'alwaysoff', 'ARCHIVE', 'auto', 'both', 'bzip2', 'checkbox', 'components', 'current',
'ifdiff', 'ifnewer', 'instfiles', 'lastused', 'leave', 'license', 'listonly', 'lzma', 'manual',
'none', 'normal', 'off', 'OFFLINE', 'on', 'radiobuttons', 'READONLY', 'RO', 'SHCTX', 'SHELL_CONTEXT', 'show',
'textonly', 'true', 'try', 'uninstConfirm', 'zlib'
6 => array(
'/a', '/components', '/COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM', '/CUSTOMSTRING', '/e', '/FILESONLY', '/FINAL', '/gray', '/GLOBAL',
'/ifempty', '/IMGID', '/ITALIC', '/lang', '/NOCUSTOM', '/nonfatal', '/NOUNLOAD', '/oname', '/r', '/REBOOTOK',
'/TRIMRIGHT', '/UNDERLINE', '/windows', '/x'
7 => array(
'.onGUIEnd', '.onGUIInit', '.onInit', '.onInstFailed', '.onInstSuccess', '.onMouseOverSection',
'.onRebootFailed', '.onSelChange', '.onUserAbort', '.onVerifyInstDir', 'un.onGUIEnd', 'un.onGUIInit',
'un.onInit', 'un.onRebootFailed', 'un.onUninstFailed', 'un.onUninstSuccess', 'un.onUserAbort'
8 => array(
'MUI.nsh', '"${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"', 'MUI_SYSVERSION', 'MUI_ICON', 'MUI_UNICON',
9 => array(
'${ElseIf}', '${ElseUnless}', '${Else}', '${EndIf}', '${EndUnless}', '${AndIf}', '${AndUnless}',
'${OrIf}', '${OrUnless}', '${IfThen}', '${IfCmd}', '${Select}', '${Case2}', '${Case3}',
'${Case4}', '${Case5}', '${CaseElse}', '${Default}', '${EndSelect}', '${Switch}',
'${Case}', '${EndSwitch}', '${Do}', '${DoWhile}', '${UntilWhile}', '${Continue}', '${Break}',
'${Loop}', '${LoopWhile}', '${LoopUntil}', '${While}', '${ExitWhile}', '${EndWhile}', '${For}',
'${ForEach}', '${ExitFor}', '${Next}', '${Abort}', '${Errors}', '${RebootFlag}', '${Silent}',
'${FileExists}', '${Cmd}', '${SectionIsSelected}', '${SectionIsSectionGroup}',
'${SectionIsSectionGroupEnd}', '${SectionIsBold}', '${SectionIsReadOnly}',
'${SectionIsExpanded}', '${SectionIsPartiallySelected}'
10 => array(
'StrFunc.nsh', '${STRFUNC}', '${StrCase}', '${StrClb}', '${StrIOToNSIS}', '${StrLoc}', '${StrNSISToIO}', '${StrRep}',
'${StrSort}', '${StrStr}', '${StrStrAdv}', '${StrTok}', '${StrTrimNewLines}'
11 => array(
'UpgradeDLL.nsh', 'UPGRADEDLL_INCLUDED', 'UpgradeDLL'
12 => array(
'${SF_NAMECHG}', '${SECTION_OFF}', 'SelectSection', 'UnselectSection', 'ReverseSection',
'StartRadioButtons', 'RadioButton', 'EndRadioButtons', '${INSTTYPE_0}', '${INSTTYPE_1}', '${INSTTYPE_2}',
'${INSTTYPE_3}', '${INSTTYPE_4}', '${INSTTYPE_5}', '${INSTTYPE_6}', '${INSTTYPE_7}', '${INSTTYPE_8}',
'${INSTTYPE_9}', '${INSTTYPE_10}', '${INSTTYPE_11}', '${INSTTYPE_12}', '${INSTTYPE_13}', '${INSTTYPE_14}',
'${INSTTYPE_15}', '${INSTTYPE_16}', '${INSTTYPE_17}', '${INSTTYPE_18}', '${INSTTYPE_19}', '${INSTTYPE_20}',
'${INSTTYPE_21}', '${INSTTYPE_22}', '${INSTTYPE_23}', '${INSTTYPE_24}', '${INSTTYPE_25}', '${INSTTYPE_26}',
'${INSTTYPE_27}', '${INSTTYPE_28}', '${INSTTYPE_29}', '${INSTTYPE_30}', '${INSTTYPE_31}', '${INSTTYPE_32}',
'SetSectionInInstType', 'ClearSectionInInstType', 'SetSectionFlag', 'ClearSectionFlag', 'SectionFlagIsSet'
13 => array(
'Colors.nsh', 'WHITE', 'BLACK', 'YELLOW', 'RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE', 'MAGENTA', 'CYAN', 'rgb2hex'
14 => array(
'FileFunc.nsh', '${Locate}', '${GetSize}', '${DriveSpace}', '${GetDrives}', '${GetTime}', '${GetFileAttributes}', '${GetFileVersion}', '${GetExeName}', '${GetExePath}', '${GetParameters}', '${GetOptions}', '${GetRoot}', '${GetParent}', '${GetFileName}', '${GetBaseName}', '${GetFileExt}', '${BannerTrimPath}', '${DirState}', '${RefreshShellIcons}'
15 => array(
'TextFunc.nsh', '${LineFind}', '${LineRead}', '${FileReadFromEnd}', '${LineSum}', '${FileJoin}', '${TextCompare}', '${ConfigRead}', '${ConfigWrite}', '${FileRecode}', '${TrimNewLines}'
16 => array(
'WordFunc.nsh', '${WordFind}', '${WordFind2X}', '${WordFind3X}', '${WordReplace}', '${WordAdd}', '${WordInsert}', '${StrFilter}', '${VersionCompare}', '${VersionConvert}'
'SYMBOLS' => array(
'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
1 => false,
2 => false,
3 => false,
4 => false,
5 => false,
6 => false,
7 => false,
8 => false,
9 => false,
10 => false,
11 => false,
12 => false,
13 => false,
14 => false,
15 => false,
16 => false
'STYLES' => array(
'KEYWORDS' => array(
1 => 'color: #000066; font-weight:bold;',
2 => 'color: #000066;',
3 => 'color: #003366;',
4 => 'color: #000099;',
5 => 'color: #ff6600;',
6 => 'color: #ff6600;',
7 => 'color: #006600;',
8 => 'color: #006600;',
9 => 'color: #006600;',
10 => 'color: #006600;',
11 => 'color: #006600;',
12 => 'color: #006600;',
13 => 'color: #006600;',
14 => 'color: #006600;',
15 => 'color: #006600;',
16 => 'color: #006600;'
'COMMENTS' => array(
1 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;',
2 => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;',
'MULTI' => 'color: #666666; font-style: italic;'
'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
0 => 'color: #660066; font-weight: bold;'
'BRACKETS' => array(
0 => ''
'STRINGS' => array(
0 => 'color: #660066;'
'NUMBERS' => array(
0 => ''
'METHODS' => array(
0 => ''
'SYMBOLS' => array(
0 => ''
'REGEXPS' => array(
0 => 'color: #660000;',
1 => 'color: #660000;',
2 => 'color: #660000;',
3 => 'color: #660000;',
4 => 'color: #660000;',
5 => 'color: #660000;',
6 => 'color: #660000;',
7 => 'color: #000099;',
8 => 'color: #003399;'
'SCRIPT' => array(
0 => ''
'URLS' => array(
1 => '',
2 => '',
3 => '',
4 => '',
5 => '',
6 => '',
7 => '',
8 => '',
9 => '',
10 => '',
11 => '',
12 => '',
13 => '',
14 => '',
15 => '',
16 => ''
'OOLANG' => false,
'REGEXPS' => array(
0 => '\$\$',
1 => '\$\\r',
2 => '\$\\n',
3 => '\$\\t',
4 => '\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+',
5 => '\$\{.{1,256}\}',
6 => '\$\\\(.{1,256}\\\)',
7 => array(
GESHI_SEARCH => '([^:\/\\\*\?\"\<\>(?:<PIPE>)\s]*?)(::)([^:\/\\\*\?\"\<\>(?:<PIPE>)\s]*?)',
GESHI_AFTER => '\\2\\3'
8 => array(
GESHI_SEARCH => '([^:\/\\\*\?\"\<\>(?:<PIPE>)\s]*?)(::)([^:\/\\\*\?\"\<\>(?:<PIPE>)]*?\s)',
GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1\\2',
nsis.php -------- Author: deguix (, Tux ( Copyright: (c) 2005 deguix, 2004 Tux (, Nigel McNie ( Release Version: Date Started: 2005/12/03
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System language file for GeSHi.
CHANGES ------- 2005/12/03 (2.0.2) - Updated to NSIS 2.11. 2005/06/17 (2.0.1) - Updated to NSIS 2.07b0. 2005/04/05 (2.0.0) - Updated to NSIS 2.06. 2004/11/27 (1.0.2) - Added support for multiple object splitters 2004/10/27 (1.0.1) - Added support for URLs 2004/08/05 (1.0.0) - First Release
TODO (updated 2004/11/27) -------------------------
This file is part of GeSHi.
GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA